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Embold Omnibus—Boise
What’s the Boise Omnibus? The Boise Omnibus is a poll of Boise residents that runs at a set day and time. Organizations can purchase “seats” on the Omnibus, and the cost of running it is divided among everyone. What does it cost? $800 per question How does it...
POLL: 1/3 of Boiseans Think They’ll Leave
POLL: 1/3 of Boiseans Think They'll Leave The following findings were produced as part of Embold Research’s Omnibus—the only vehicle for hyper-affordable, bite-sized opinion research in Boise. POLL: Despite high quality of life, belonging, a third of...
Success Story: Latino Policy Institute
Success Story: Latino Policy Institute “I had never done polling before...the process was incredibly smooth. Everything went so quickly!” The Latino Policy Institute (LPI) of Roger Williams University, based in Providence, Rhode Island, serves to stimulate public...
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$12,134 Donated
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Curabitur aliquet quam id dui posuere blandit. Proin eget tortor risus. Donec sollicitudin molestie malesuada.
$445 Donated
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Curabitur aliquet quam id dui posuere blandit. Proin eget tortor risus. Donec sollicitudin molestie malesuada.
$4,452 Donated
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